Here's a pack of broads called Electrik Red. And—not kidding you—their names are Naomi, Sarah, Lesley and Binki. No shit. Binki.
Now, with a label like Def Jam up behind them, a fab album cover/title for their debut, How To Be A Lady: Volume 1 (pictured below), and producers The-Dream and Tricky Stewart ("Umbrella," "Single Ladies") at the helm, you'd think the songs would be setting the wig gum on fire, right?
Alas, here's "So Good." (Sadly, no affiliation to the 2005 Rachel Stevens song.) And while the single deserves props for starting out promising with its groovy SWV-esque beat and boasting a video almost as camp as Electrik Red's album cover, the writers need to be spanked for utterly failing to pen these leggy ladies a compelling chorus...or any chorus at all.