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Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Claire Richards Talks Wearing A Fat Suit (Her Words, Not Mine!), Getting Steps Back Together

Above is Claire Richards of Steps, first in 1999—in her "Love's Got A Hold On My Heart" garb—then in May 2008, at the Take That musical (after she apparently swallowed H whole).

After she and said Ian "H" Watkins embarked on a failed duo career in 2002, Claire got married, ballooned in weight and shot out a kid. Now she's apparently back in shape and shilling some fitness DVD in the U.K.

Here's what she said in this interview with the Daily Mail (that's her to the right now):
"It wasn’t like I just ballooned overnight, it was very gradual. I stopped exercising after the group split up and then my body slowly started to get a bit wobbly. I was eating really badly as well and would serve myself up the same size portions that I gave my partner. I also ate a lot of junk food and just about anything I felt like. Then I got pregnant and starting eating more and more."
Yeah, yeah, broad. Cry me a river. So when the hell are Steps (who infamously broke up in 2001 the day after Christmas) getting back together?
"We’ve talked about it but it’s never been the right time. Never say never though… I have a great relationship with them all now. There was a time when we didn’t talk but we’ve got past all of that over the years. They all came to my wedding and it was the first time we’d all been in the same room together in seven years."
Hooker, they're just swarming like cash-greedy vultures now that you set down the Twinkies and are hot enough to get the band back together... but bravo on the weight loss, toots!