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Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Courtney Love Is One Lazy Broad

Let's get down to brass tacks here. In the past 10 years, Courtney Love has put out two albums -- one with her band Hole (rockin'!!) and that solo one that sucked so bad she should have just shoved it back up her Hole. (Well, that "Sunset Strip" song was kind of a jam, I guess.)

So today Billboard reports that Courtney Hole has taken to her MySpace blog to "refute an online report that she'd scrapped her next solo album":
"No 'scrapping' is going on, simply a few retakes, especially since all those recordings were leaked to the Net. Don't assume you know any songs on this album. Some may sound somewhat familiar or even have the same titles and arrangements. A few are just precious diamonds I wouldn't touch, but there's TONS of NEW ones which you haven't a clue about."
Courtney's apparently due to turn the album in to Linda Perry's label in July. JULY!?! Hooker, you've only been working on that trash for about four years now! What's the hold up?

Look at tween schizo Miley Cyrus, who's putting out her third album in two years this summer! Or workhorse Rihanna, who has thrown out three records since 2005 and even has time to re-release one of them because at this point, who's going to remember which was which anyway!

Sure, they're both younger and probably have a few less STDs, but, Courtney, time's a tickin'. Before long, no one's going to care about your grunge box anymore. [crickets]