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Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So Long Oprah - You Touched Us All!

This is slightly off music “pop” topic however we could not let this event pass as Oprah Winfrey and a plethora of A-list stars joined the Queen of chat show on stage to bid the TV titan a fond farewell last night.

In a sad and historic moment in TV history the chat show queen was "beyond joyous" after a superstar line up of celebrities turned up in Chicago to the taping of her final three shows.

The Hollywood greats were out in force to support her on her final shows, including Tom Cruise, Katie Holmes, Jamie Fox, Halle Berry, Will Smith, Usher, Stevie Wonder, Simon Cowell, Alicia Keyes, Beyonce and pop queen herself Madonna!

Madge was full of praise saying: "It's no secret that millions of people are inspired by Oprah. I am one of them.

Beyonce aptly sung Run The World (Girls) dressed in a tuxedo for the event.
Legend STEVIE WONDER was also on hand to provide some music, pairing up with singer/actor JAMIE FOXX.
Other stars told stories of the TV Golden Lady’s past, present and future and thanked her for what she has done for everyone in the world. Oprah, after 25 years is retiring from her show to concentrate on her TV network she launched in January 2011.

Oprah’s partner, Stedman paid his own personal tribute at the end the night by concluding;

"I love you for making a difference in my life," adding: "It amazes me that I get to be around a woman who changes people's lives every day and still takes her lunch to work."

Aretha Franklin's appearance on stage seemed to have shocked Winfrey the most.

At the end of recording a visibly moved Oprah took a minute to thank her fans.
She said: "I've never experienced anything like this and I say once again thank you for taking me to a place that's beyond joyous.
"I'm going to have to process it and look at it on tape to see what actually happened here."It feels like the rapture, so thank you all for that!"

Oprah you did Australia proud, she has now done an her farewell arena tour. Oprah, we will miss you! After 25 years you have been in our lives and shared your and others lives. We have cried, smiled, sobbed, laughed and been touched by your programme. We wish you well in your future adventures, however the TV network is a little sadder today as we say goodbye. 

FACT: There were 13,000 boxes of Kleenex tissues in the centre – one for each audience member!