Just When You're In The Mood For An Old-School Vanessa Williams Jam...
Vanessa Williams has a new album called The Real Thing coming out on June 2. This naturally put me in the mood to hear some of her older jams—particularly her 1993 duet with Brian McKnight, "Love Is," off the Beverly Hills, 90210 soundtrack.
OK, first of all, there were some decent hits off that soundtrack, no? Jeremy Jordan's "Right Kind Of Love," Shanice's "I love Your Smile"...Tori Spelling should have been Barbie-doll-legging herself to all of those!
So, of course I went to download "Love Is" off iTunes, and—goddammit—it's like the one Vanessa Williams song not on there...except in some generic karaoke version.
That line, "Look at this place, it was paradise but now it's dying," used to kill me when I'd rock out by myself in the car, singing along while driving around my hometown at age 19.
Oh, well. Here's the vid, anyway:
"Love Is" reached #3 on the Billboard Hot 100 in Spring 1993.