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Friday, August 1, 2008

Sam Sparro Writing Songs For Lindsay Lohan

You know, now that Lindsay Lohan is boyfriends with Mark Ronson's sister Samantha, I like her so much better. It's kind of like how I hated Mariah Carey till she went nuts a few years back and smashed dishes against her fireplace. You go, girls!

Anyway, check out this trash from the Daily Mirror—it's Sam Sparro talking about working with Lindsay on her next album:
"Working with Lindsay is an interesting proposition. I've always been a big fan and I think she's cool. I've never met Sam Ronson but I have met her dad and her sister Charlotte when I was working with Mark at Coachella. They are a great family. I'll be heading over to L.A. and New York in a couple of weeks to start writing for Lindsay and a few other artists. I'm really excited."

It was also reported back in May that Ne-Yo is working with Linds:
"She did a ridiculously fabulous job [on the track 'Bossy']. I was so shocked I had to call her and apologize for what I was thinking because she did so good. I think the world is gonna be surprised."
No, Ne-Yo. Those well-coiffed eyebrows of yours are what's ridiculously fabulous.