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Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Boy George Hoping Helen Terry Will Take Part In Culture Club Reunion

Let's face it—to do a Culture Club reunion properly, the amazing vocal talents of Helen Terry need to be present. And after Boy George announced on BBC Breakfast last week that the iconic '80s band would indeed be reforming for a new album and tour next year, that got me to wondering whether Helen would join the fold along with the other members.

Well, tweet and ye shall receive info! Here are a few exchanges between myself, Helen, Boy and Vinny Vero that went down over the past 20 hours or so:

So there you have it—Helen Terry is at least in the plans for the Culture Club reunion.

Here's the "mystery girl" blowing the roof off the joint in 1984 during a performance of "Black Money." (She comes in prominently around the 1:37 mark.)