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Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Automatically Post on Blogspot / Blog tips and advice/ Movesmiths has me too busy to post on blog

So I apologize for my lack of post over the past few weeks. As you may or may not know, I'm currently in the process of legitimizing and setting up a stable foundation for my new company MOVESMITHS L.L.C. Along with my partner, Gabriel "Gnellz" Nelson, we essentially are Movesmiths. We have other members on the team that play important critical roles as well, but essentially, we are the faces of Movesmiths.

With that said, I apologize to anyone that was expecting a post or two during this past week... I promise that everything I'm working on behind the scenes, will be be paying off shortly. I just gotta stay focused and on track. And this is probably how The Reel Ace blog is going to be now on... 

I'll complete a handful of post, and have them post automatically every few days so that this wont be an issue any more. I'll have a another new post up in a few hours. If you use blogspot, within the edit post tab, there is a button that says Post Options. Click it. On the right side is a post date and time option, click scheduled at. By doing this you can choose when you want your post to automatically post on your blog!

So I hope this was helpful to anyone interested in automatic posting with blogspot. And thanks for the continued support to those of you who have subscribed and continued to follow The Reel Ace Blog!