Newlywed LeAnn Rimes is all smiles while arriving at the airport on Tuesday (April 26) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.The 28-year-old singer is in town to begin production on her new CMT Original Movie, Reel Love.“Amazing people! Wardrobe fitting done! Incredible hotel….gonna be a great shoot!!!! Just settling in. Drink and wrk over script time,” she tweeted.On Friday, LeAnn tied the knot with boyfriend Eddie Cibrian at a private residence in Malibu.LeAnn has since changed her Twitter account to read LeAnn Rimes Cibrianwith “WIFE, Bonus Mom” added to her bio!FYI: LeAnn is wearing Ippolita bangles and hoop earrings.
Newlywed LeAnn Rimes is all smiles while arriving at the airport on Tuesday (April 26) in Toronto, Ontario, Canada.
The 28-year-old singer is in town to begin production on her new CMT Original Movie, Reel Love.
“Amazing people! Wardrobe fitting done! Incredible hotel….gonna be a great shoot!!!! Just settling in. Drink and wrk over script time,” she tweeted.
On Friday, LeAnn tied the knot with boyfriend Eddie Cibrian at a private residence in Malibu.
LeAnn has since changed her Twitter account to read LeAnn Rimes Cibrianwith “WIFE, Bonus Mom” added to her bio!
FYI: LeAnn is wearing Ippolita bangles and hoop earrings.