What does Peyton Manning and LeBron James have in common? Aside from the obvious like being among the best currently playing in their specific profession...you give up? As of right now, despite me being a LJ fan, their both the biggest chokes!
Now I think this statement will go both ways in terms of feedback, but lets be honest, despite their success neither athlete can seem to seal the deal. Their the greatest successful losers... if that makes sense hah.
Peyton Manning is the biggest choke because he has continued to disappoint die-hard Indianapolis fans around the country. His regular season stats are pretty impressive but his playoff performance is what matters most, and he continuously chokes.The Colts won the Superbowl in 2006 which is when he won the Superbowl MVP award, but otherwise he's pretty much been a big disappointment.
Now someone like Tom Brady is the example of a Quarterback that has "lived up to the name". Regardless of what happens when the Patriots play the Jets in the playoffs this weekend or further down the road, Brady is going down in history among the greatest Quarterbacks. Now of course some people are going to argue Tom Brady has had a more reliable and consistent supporting cast (Not to mention Bill Belichick), and maybe that's the case, but whats done is done and Tom "got lucky".
LeBron James is the biggest choke because his hands should be full of rings like Michael Jordan's. If you aren't aware, I am a LJ fan, but lets keep it real... so far, he's a choke. Ever since his high school days when he first began to get major media attention, he was labeled as "the Next Mike" and the greatest thing to happen to basketball, but yet he hasn't done anything yet.
Yes LeBron is ridiculously ill at basketball, easily one of the most talented players ever, but to say he's the best, I don't think he's even come close. His stats are evidence of his talent; he can score, rebound, pass and play defense. So yes he's talented. But to say he's among THE best or among the greatest ever, naww homie dont play that. His fingers are far too naked hah
Yes LeBron is ridiculously ill at basketball, easily one of the most talented players ever, but to say he's the best, I don't think he's even come close. His stats are evidence of his talent; he can score, rebound, pass and play defense. So yes he's talented. But to say he's among THE best or among the greatest ever, naww homie dont play that. His fingers are far too naked hah
So when its all said and done, Peyton Manning and LeBron James are the biggest chokes to date. Of course LeBron ran to Miami for some help from Wade and Bosh, and after a slow start their finally Heating up... but the season is far from over, plus they gotta get through the Celtics to go all the way.
Manning's career is coming to an end so if I were a Colts fan I definitely wouldn't hold my breath, Miami fans on the other hand, be patient. It'll be a matter of time before I write another post about Manning being the biggest choke, but I wonder if it'll still be LeBron right beside him~