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Saturday, January 22, 2011

Chart Riggerversary: Six Random Facts About Me, Six Random Facts About You

Pull out the party hats—today marks six years since Chart Rigger went online! Yee-hawzoo! In honor of this monumental historical achievement, I thought that, rather than bore you with some sappy trash, it would be classy to tell you six random facts about myself you might not have known (or really cared about to begin with).

AND THEN why don't ye brave souls among us take the same six points in bold below and answer them in the comments. Awwww—it'll be like we're speed-dating.

1. When I was a kid, I wanted to grow up to be _________.
A comic book writer/artist for DC. I used to draw my own comics, color them with Crayola magic markers and make my parents read them.

2. The first album I ever bought on CD:
UB40, Labor Of Love II. A few days after Christmas 1989

3. My favorite movie (or at least one of them):
Taxi Driver. I had never seen it until my mom bought me the video when I was on a big De Niro kick my freshman year of college.

4. Favorite artist someone else turned me on to:
Saint Etienne. I bought Foxbase Alpha in spring 1991, but didn't truly become a fan until Moogaboo put "He's On The Phone" on a mixtape he gave to me at Christmas 1995.

5. Album everyone loves that I tried to get into but found to be as dull as a dead hooker's non-moving mouth:
Janelle Monae, The ArchAndroid

6. Song that played during a memorable makeout session:
Enigma, "Return To Innocence." First time I kissed a boy. His CD single was on repeat for two hours in his dorm room.