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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Adam Lambert Says 'OUT' Magazine 'Really Crossed A Line'

Adam Lambert—who appears on the cover of OUT's 'OUT 100: Class Of 2009' issue—responded to an open letter the mag's editor Aaron Hicklin penned (complaining about, as Entertainment Weekly states it, "certain stipulations placed on the interview and cover shoot by Lambert’s management team").

Here's what Lambo had to say in reply to EW:
"What people don’t realize is, I am managing my image, more than maybe the editor of OUT magazine likes to give anybody credit for. My team is a team. And I really feel fortunate that 19 Management and Simon Fuller said to me, from the get-go, 'We want to do what you want to do. You need to tell us how you want to do things, what interests you have,' and they’ve been incredibly supportive of me. I really mean it. I’m not being puppeted around. I didn’t want to jump onto a gay magazine as my first thing, because I feel like that’s putting myself in a box and limiting myself. It was my desire to stay away from talking about certain political and civil rights issues because I’m not a politician. I’m an entertainer. That is not my area of expertise. I can talk about relationships and personal experiences because as an artist those things involve writing lyrics and that part of my process. But I didn’t feel comfortable talking about the March on Washington. I didn’t feel comfortable, so I asked my publicist to ask the interviewer to stay away from the political questions. I take full responsibility for that. I think that the editor has his agenda and has his opinions, which I respect, but they’re not necessarily my opinions. And I wish there was a little respect for that. Not every gay man is the same gay man... If there are things going on behind the scenes with my management, it has nothing to do with my interview with them. He really crossed a line."
Well, okay. But why isn't anyone talking about the real issue at hand—how great Cyndi Lauper looks on the cover!