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Saturday, May 31, 2008

The Week That Was: May 31, 2008

You wanna know something funny? This week I was actually wondering whether or not the Sex And The City movie would attract the same droves to theaters that tuned in to the iconic HBO TV series each week. Last night I certainly got my answer.

In a nutshell, Friday night: met up with the ball and chain and a gal pal for pre-SATC cosmos, only to find every patron in the sushi restaurant around the corner from the theater had the same idea. Despite arriving half an hour early with our pre-purchased tickets, we still got stuck in the second, neck-breaking row. Was it worth it? Hell yeah! The flick is like one whole mini-season packed into one long episode! Does the show translate well to film, as so many fail to do? Sure!

A few gripes with the music: naturally, the soundtrack is available on iTunes only as a whole, i.e., you can't download the individual songs. The standout is Ciara's "Click, Flash," itself a Fergie/"Glamorous" soundalike. (A knock-off? How very un-Sex And The City!) Of course, that one isn't available on iTunes. You ain't gotta be slick to find it, though.

That's a shame, because the soundtrack has shot to #1 at the online store, and surely Ciara's track would've done the same. The Dutchess herself appears on the soundtrack, too, with a song called "Labels Or Love," where she warbles the typically juvenile sass mantra, "Supercalafragi-sexy!"

Anyway, if I didn't have my answer on whether the film would do well by that point, certainly it came when we were walking to down our post-SATC cosmos and saw a hundreds-deep line for the midnight show wrapped around the block.

Bottom line: if were/are a fan of the original series, you'll be be similarly raising your Prada to the flick.

Despite the fact that the reunited New Kids On The Block's single "Summertime" appears to be a collosal flop, the aging boy band still have a sold-out tour on the horizon and are trudging ahead with a new full-length album, to be released on Interscope September 8.

Ack. All this seems very depressing, so let's end that here.

On a final note, 2008 is proving to be a time of change in the land D'luv, and the posts here at Chart Rigger have slowed a bit obviously in the past two weeks while there's been some life-shuffling at hand. Mostly it has to do with taking on a new professional venture. That said, thanks to all for tuning in each day. And thanks for the luv. Things on here should be back to normal this coming week.