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Monday, June 15, 2009

What's Going On With Chart Rigger: June 2009

Today D'luv got to meet up with blogger Dan of This Man's World, who's in town visiting family. We hung out at Starbucks in Santa Monica for an hour and a half, but I wish we had more time because I wanted to show him the cemetary where Madonna is buried.

Oops! I mean, I wanted to show him Madonna's old house, and also the Hollywood Forever cemetary. My bad.

* I finally sat down with a bucket of grain alcohol and watched Mega Shark Vs. Giant Octopus. Wish I could report that it was at least good-bad. I had Debbie Gibson's "Foolish Beat" on repeat earlier for two hours in a vain effort to remind me she once made classy art.

* Check out D'luv & Co. on this week's Pop Panel at Pop Trash Addicts. Australian chanteuse CC Martini is guest judge. You've probably had her.

* After barrelling through season one of HBO's True Blood on DVD two weeks ago, I caught the season two premiere tonight. So far so good, but I still can't decide who's hotter—shapeshifter Sam Merlotte or vampire Bill Compton?

* It was Gay Pride weekend in L.A. I'll have to read about how it was.

* If you missed it, I interviewed Vanessa Williams for GayWired the other week. More lined up, which I'll post links to here soon.

* Which reminds me, I interviewed Ferras (who's now penning songs for Adam Lambert) like a year ago for Instinct, and it never ran 'cause I left the mag. If I get motivated enough, I'll transcribe and post the interview here.

* Like Adam Lambert, Ferras is openly gay. Didn't know that till the other day.

* Follow me on Twitter. It's riveting.