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Saturday, January 1, 2011

Update / Tips to generate blog traffic / Introduction Section / All Post page / Progress

With a new year here, I decided I should make some new adjustments to the blog. Yea I know I know, its only been three months since the blog has even been up and running... well lets just say, I'd rather build on a stable foundation instead of broken one...so its never too early to make critical decisions.

If you were to look at my blogs home page about a week ago, you should hopefully notice two differences. The more obvious difference is that I've added an Introduction section. Before, my blog only had a header, which only mentions the blog name and my name, and the page listing. This was probably somewhat misleading because I have post about video equipment, sports and other artist. So its very important to add some sort of description or introduction in to your blog or website that lets your readers and viewers know what your blog or site is about.

Now considering my particular profession consist of video and music production, it was simple for me to add a video to my blog description. I currently have the introduction section set up where there is a short 2min video with Sheek Louch giving me a shout out. Below the video is a little description about myself and the blog. 

If you've read my post about video production in 2011, you'd understand why I choose to add a video. I clearly understand most people dont produce videos for a living so just having a written description is better than nothing... but again, video is much more appealing than writing, so dont hesitate to contact myself or any other video producers you may know!

The second adjustment I've made is the ALL Post page, on the page listing tab at the top of the site. Before, I had all the post listed on the right side of the site. I originally had it like this because I was just starting off and didn't have much content to fill the site. But now that I have a handful of posts, it was starting to get messy and overcrowded. I want my blog to be easy for you to find whatever your looking for and interested in. The ALL Post page has each post listed within the specific category that it pertains to. So again, this should make it much easier for you to find what your actually interested in, instead of being forced to read.

These type of adjustments should help you generate more traffic on your blog or website as well! All of my previous Update posts have clearly been effective tips for getting more blog traffic... my continues progress is evidence! With less than 3 months of being public, I got over 1,000 page views in December. Having surpassed 2,000 total hits, I'm anxious and excited to see how I do throughout the rest of this month and 2011!

(I made two more adjustment after completing this post, so I'll mention those in my next Update post... but I'm sure you notice it)